Batsheva Perelis

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Recent Donors
Amy Zwas
US $36
Sarah Dauber
US $37.08
Deborah And Mark Druck
US $180
Batsheva Lam & Noah Bernstein
US $54
The Prager Family
US $74.16
Go, Batsheva!!
Chana & Yonatan Shefa
US $51.5
Go Batsheva!
Ilana Rosenberg, Michah Gottlieb, Gabriella, Jordanna, Itai And Zachy
US $72
Go Batsheva!
Debra Passner
US $36
Grandma And Zaideh
US $180
We are so proud of you!
Rachel Cohen
US $18
So proud Batsheva!! You rock!!
Sheryl And Bruce Schainker
US $36.00
Go Batsheva!
Serena And Mechi Jenkelowitz
US $100.00
Go Batsheva!
US $37.08
Go, Batsheva! ❤️
Mallin-Holtz Family
US $18.54
Nesya Bayewitz
US $27
Nava Siegler
US $20
Go batsheva!!!! You rock!! 💗💗
Aliza Fischman
US $46.35
Way to go, Batsheva!
Adina Galbut
US $180.00
In honor of my incredible niece and her endless determination and fortitude
Noa Schlaff-Pearlberg
US $30
You got this Shev!
Emily Beck & Jon Levisohn
US $74.16
Bake Sale!
US $455
Thank you to the many community members for purchasing from my bake sale!
Rachel & Nati
US $37.08
for a Refuah Shelayma to David Ephraim ben Rachel Leah
Reyna Perelis
US $36.00
Go Sheva!!
David Hiltzik
US $185.4
Paula And David Eiselt
US $36
Go Batsheva
Anonymous Sponsor
Go Batsheva
Mommy And Papi
US $180.00
We are in awe of your strength, passion, and unlimited capacity to give!
View All Donations visit my team page

Welcome To My Donation Page

Goal: 3500
This March I will be running as part of Team Shalva in the Jerusalem Marathon!
Shalva is an incredible organization in Israel that provides children with disabilities from birth through adulthood a real home away from home where their social and emotional needs are taken care of with warmth and love. With unparalleled support, Shalva children exceed all boundaries the world has set for them, and shine in ways people never thought possible. Shalva is a truly magical place for these kids.
Two years ago, I ran with Shalva in the Jerusalem marathon, and I witnessed the amazing organization that Shalva is; I visited their gorgeous center in Yerushalayim, and connected with their incredible children. As I ran through the streets of Yerushaliym, I felt proud to represent this incredible organization and passionate to keep on giving.
This past summer, I worked as a Yachad counselor, taking care of children with special needs. I am deeply connected with the special needs community, and am empowered to help an organization that cares for them, especially in Israel.
Last year, Shalva remarkably provided housing for evacuees and welcomed their facilities for evacuees who have children with special needs. Now, more than ever, Shalva needs our help.
I hope you will help me reach this goal by making a donation. Your support is vital to my success in this race and will make such a huge difference in the lives of these wonderful children. I will keep you up to date on my training progress for my run, and of course, I'll let you know how the race goes!
Thank you in advance for your help and generosity!