Eddy Cohen

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('נא הכניסו את סכום התרומה, ללא סימנים (דולר, ש"ח וכו
Recent Donors
CA $500.00
Kalman & Tolly Weber
CA $103
Kol Hakavod, Eddy!!
Charles Dolman
CA $100
Rebecca Lambert
CA $185.4
Elissa And Zev Weissberg
US $180
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $37.08
Yvette Shumacher
Kol hakavod, Eddy!
Shayna & Lazer Friedman
CA $100
Jim Spriggs
Marcee And Rosy
CA $103
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $37.08
Frieda Korobkin
US $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $121.54
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $72.00
Steve & Leah Roth
CA $180
From Steve & Leah Roth
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $103
Michael Frohwein
CA $100
Marsha And Zanvel Berger
CA $103
Susan & Fred Birnbaum And Family
CA $360
Eddy, thanks for your incredible efforts, you have a huge heart
Daniel Zigelman
CA $103
Michael Levi
CA $185.4
Rabbi Moshe And Esty Yeres
CA $54.00
Keep running Eddy. Kol hakavod
Emile Aufgang
CA $185.4
Thomas Lupas
CA $37.08
Cooky Gordon Horowitz
CA $36.00
Tricia & Jeffrey Kurtz
CA $37.08
Avi And Erin
CA $180
Dr. Aubie Diamond
CA $103
Thank you Eddy. Tizku L'Mitzvos
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $100.00
Kol Hakovod!! It's an honour to support you and your initiative!!
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $360
Go Daddy!
Robert & Karyn Goldberger
CA $100
Kol HaKavod!
Moshe Orenbuch
US $180
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $100
Keep up the good work.
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $200
David Green
Ken Factor
CA $36
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $51.5
David Emerson
CA $103
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $72
Yasher Koach Eddie!
CA $180
Tizku l’mitzvot
Aaron And Michelle English
CA $180
Elana Gensler
US $18.54
Marlene Segal
CA $54.00
Kol Hakavod, Eddy, for doing the annual run for Shalva !
Isidore Zuckerbrod
David And Sarena Koschitzky
CA $180.00
Tim & Kay Van-Lane
CA $103.00
Miriam Bessin
CA $55.62
Gmar Chatima Tova and Kol Hakavod
Kenneth Silverman
CA $185.4
Marc & Debi Friedman
CA $36.00
Esty Seidenfeld
Julie Starr
CA $103
You are an inspiration! Way to go.
Anonymous Sponsor
Ilan Dishy
CA $185.4
Shely And Leonard Mann
CA $111.24
Cass And Shel Gottlieb
US $185.4
Kol hakavod, Eddy
Sheryl And Zev Cohen
US $100.00
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $100
Hersch & Penny Kanner
CA $200.00
Yolanda & Jon
Hope to see you in Jerusalem soon!
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $180
Ellie And Mel Sandler
CA $180.00
Kol Hakavod Eddy!!
Elliot Lifson
CA $1000
Good Luck Eddy
Dr. Ira Marder
CA $500
Good Luck Eddy
Sara Bavly
CA $25.75
Janice & Howard Langer Fund
CA $500
Good Luck Eddy
David And Chani Klein
CA $180
Howard & Susan Weiss
US $100.00
Angela And Victor Zuckerman
CA $54.00
Keep on keeping on Eddy!!
Asher & Barbara Frankel
CA $111.24
Kol Hakavod for your continued efforts, Eddy!
Yolanda Rosalki
Josh Spinner
US $100
Go Eddy! A marathon is 420 x from 75 Paisley to 153 Dromore and back again. T?hat sounds doable!
Isaac Grubner
CA $100
keep up the good work
Larry Wolynetz
CA $185.4
Jeremy And Judi Cohen
CA $55.62
in memory of Avraham Gavriel ben Shmuel Reuven HaCohen
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $103
Daniel Korobkin
CA $100
In honour of Isaac Silverman
Hyla & Jack Pollak
CA $72
Kol HaKavod!
Colin Geft
CA $55.62
Ellen Warner
CA $74.16
Ronnie Neumann
CA $37.08
"Yasher Koach"
Peter And Adrianne Klemensberg
CA $370.8
Collect lots of money
Lazer And Nanette Rand
CA $100.00
Eddy cohen
Rochelle Rosenblum
CA $185.4
Ira And Mary Leibtag
US $90
CA $100
Nan And Jack Wiseman
CA $185.4
Sigal Shamir
CA $180
Kol Hakavod Eddy!
Bobby And Sharon Silberstein
CA $103
Go Eddy Go!
Mark And Helen Breslow
CA $72
keep on truckin'
Annie Kammer
CA $37.08
Yasher koach!
Leon And Aviva Woznica
CA $36.00
Yasher koach.
J. Frankel Family Charitable Trust
CA $360
Good Luck Eddy
Mora B
CA $37.08
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $36.00
CA $50.00
Hatzlacha Rabba!!
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $185
Elyse Lackie
CA $121.54
Run Eddy and Temima, run! Such an important cause.
Monda Halpern And Sonia Halpern
CA $54.00
Wishing you all the best in your run!!!
Nathan And Jozie Eisner
CA $180
Keep up the good work and keep on running. All the best, Jozie and Nathan
Colin And Arlene Ripsman
CA $103
Elaine & Fred Brasch
US $360.00
Michaella And Cyril
CA $100
Kol Hakavod, great picture
Andy Somogyi
CA $185.4
Anne Weisblatt
CA $103
Anonymous Sponsor
US $123.6
Marlene Borenstein
CA $103
Murray Miskin
Patricia Resnick
CA $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $103
Kol hakavod
Rebecca & Jason Young
CA $103
Kol Hakavod!
Neil & Lissette Reines
CA $180
Yasher Koach Eddy
Abraham Cawthorpe
CA $1000
Shloimie & Annie Romberg
CA $37.08
Moyshe And Deena Marder
CA $103
Much Hatzlacha!!!
Chaviva And Jason Lifson
CA $103
CA $36
Howard Modlin
CA $18
Anonymous Sponsor
Nathan Koperwas
CA $20
Good Luck Eddy
Joseph Rubinoff
CA $18
Anonymous Sponsor
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $18.54
Kol hakavod
Rochelle And Jeff Rein
CA $180
Eddy and Temima: you are an inspiration xo
Navah & Azari Shumacher
Shelley Lipson
CA $100
Suzanne Wintrob
CA $36.00
Have a fabulous run!
Samuel Silverberg
CA $51.5
Debra Fischman
CA $36.00
Marcelle Goldenberg
CA $180.00
Ahuva, Leora, Aryeh And Simcha
CA $180.00
Hatzlacha! Go team Cohen
Tova And Michael Snowbell
CA $100
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $200
CA $36.00
Nathan Kirsh
CA $185.4
Tommy And Susan Jutcovich
CA $180.00
Anonymous Sponsor
תזכו למצוות!
Lawrence & Monica Weinberg
CA $54.00
Hatzlacha Eddy!!
Gittie & Tod Rothschild
US $500.00
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $100
Bessin Family Foundation
CA $360
Good luck Eddy!
Anonymous Sponsor
US $515
Abraham Rotenberg
CA $180.00
Best Wishes. Abie & Sara Rotenberg
Joseph Rutman
CA $180
Joseph Zeifman
CA $180
Baruch Weiss
CA $18
Marcia And Jeff
CA $360
what a team !! keep on running for good causes
Wayne And Zeldie Kurtz
CA $103
Yasher Koach
Jeffrey Hertz
CA $36
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $54.00
B'hatzlacha Rabba!!
Ella Katscher (& Family)
CA $180
Hatzlacha Rabbah! Thank you for all of your help with my Project Give Back presentation on Shalva. I really appreciate it. I hope to run with you at the Jerusalem martahon for Shalva one day soon :).
Hytman Family
CA $185.4
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $36
Brian And Simmi Kleinberg
CA $100.00
Yasher Koach Eddy!!
Douglas Ross
CA $37.08
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $40.00
Jay & Mindy Shiel
CA $103
Sidney And Dina Lebowitz
CA $100
In memory of the 4th yahrzeit of Arthur Lebowitz z”l
Gloria Levitt
CA $54.00
David Bisk
CA $51.5
Anonymous Sponsor
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $25.75
Tzvi & Ariella Cohen
CA $36
Anonymous Sponsor
CA $55.62
Kol hakavod, all the best and have lots of fun too.
Arnold Perel
CA $25
Good Luck Eddy
Rayjo Charitable Trust
CA $180
Good Luck Eddy
Alan & Rosalie Steinfeld
CA $100
Kol HaKavod
Jeremy And Talya Silver
CA $370.8
Amazing work!
Anonymous Sponsor
View All Donations

TOGETHER We Are Stronger!!!!

Goal: 36000
My journey with Shalva began 10 years ago.
Since that time, I have run for Shalva in the Jerusalem Marathon each year. Every time I visit Shalva I am amazed and moved by what I see. I will be honest with you, before going to Shalva I had a different concept of what a challenge was. I am blessed with wonderful healthy daughters, sons in law and grandchildren.
So, what are MY challenges?? My car needs repairing? The roof leaks? My tuition payments? Training for the marathon? I realize that those “challenges” pale in comparison to what the parents and families at Shalva have to deal with EVERY SINGLE DAY. They cannot pay some money and have their problem go away….. They cannot train so they will be prepared… I cannot imagine what they must deal with…..
Shalva is there to show these families that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It shows them how to move towards that light….one step at a time….
For those of you who have never visited Shalva I will tell you it is an emotional roller-coaster, you do not know if you should cry because of all the challenges these children must overcome or laugh because of all the smiling children and staff. But the one thing that you do realize it that Shalva is a very special place and one that supports families WITH NO FEE FOR SERVICE!!!!
I cannot be a volunteer, nor am I able to write them a large cheque, but what I can do is spread the word of what Shalva does and hope that people like yourself will join me in supporting Shalva in all that they do.