All Donors
Bruce And Marcia Sklare
US $515
Go Liba! Great that you are helping others!
Adina And Adam Aft
US $185.4
Go Liba Go!
Julie Cohen
US $18.54
Go Liba!! We support you
The Lieber-Merwins
US $121.54
Kol haKavod, Liba!
Nina, Leah, Missy, And Adam Wayne
US $37.08
Go Liba!! We are do proud!
Drs. Jennifer And Daniel Schmerling
US $185.4
Liba on the run!
Hadar Schwartz & Josh Binstock
US $185.4
Go Liba!!
Anonymous Sponsor
US $72
Good luck!
Eytan Kurshan And Anna Squires Levine
US $51.5
Liba you are an inspiration to us all!
Anne And Nathan Sklare
US $185.4
Jennifer And Rayna Emdur
US $37.08
Go Liba Go!!!! You are amazing!!
Neil And Alisa Rubin Kurshan
US $360.00
We are proud of you, Liba!
Karen And David Blivaiss
US $37.08
Go Liba!!!
Diane Ajl
US $74.16
Anita And Alan Kramer
US $370.8
Go, Liba! We'll be cheering you on.
Amy And Jeff Sakowitz
US $185.4
Run Liba Run!
Eric Fishman And Shuly Schwartz
US $185.4
From Savta and Zayda with love
Julie Sklare
US $111.24
You Go Girl !!
Anonymous Sponsor
US $118.00
Liz Minkin-Friedman
US $103
So proud of you! Once a GOTM, always a GOTM
Jill & Jesse Arnstein
US $51.5
How amazing! Good luck Liba. You rock!