Go Sophs!!! May this be a zechut for all of klal Yisrael, a zechut for return of the hostages and a complete geula.. ר"ש לנעמי בת שרה אימנו & יצחק בן בלימה
Ellie & Alex US $180.00
Go Sophia!!
Chaya And Yitzi Shaps US $55.62
L’iluy nishmas Moshe Yakov ben Yosef Mordechai
Esther Toby Gewirtz US $180.00
Keep doing amazing things!
Gabbie Landau US $18.54
Good Luck Sophs!
Bracha Gewirtz US $36
In honor of Sophia!! Tizku lmitzvos
Arthur And Shirley Landau US $280
Great Mitzvah we are very proud of you. Love Bubby and Zaidy Landau