All Donors

Eva Yuster US $37.08
Yay Halleli!! 🎉🎉🎉
Coach US $37.08
Eden Lippe US $108.00
You’re amazing, Halleli! I’m a proud big sis!
Rose US $18
Mati Fischer US $36
Anonymous Sponsor US $100
In honor of Halleli! So proud of you!
Yakira Weinstock US $18.54
Yayyyy Halleli!!!!!!
David Nash US $25.75
Gloria Britto US $103.00
Carole Veloso US $49.44
Arlene Rubin- Good Talking People US $100
Congratulations Halleli!
Tibor Baan US $250
Eli Waxman US $37.08
Rabbi Avi Kuperberg US $18.00
Good luck Halleli!
Anonymous Sponsor US $370.8
Tzvi And Sadie Simchon US $515
So proud of you!! Have the best time!! ❤️
Anonymous Sponsor US $103
So proud of you, Halleli! Way to help others ❤️
Nessa Lippe US $108.00
You got this Lel! I believe in you! Go do some great things!
Elana & Eric Cohen US $144.00
Walk down the aisle (sisters weddings of course) and run through Yerushalayim! So inspiring!
Devora Rand US $36
I’m waiting for you in Jerusalem and wishing you an amazing experience!!
Asker US $100
In honor of Elijah
Avi Cohen US $108
Halleli, I know I still owe you a hike, so this will have to do in the meantime... Keep on running faster than eden (I know it won't take much). You're amazing!
Ally Dearson US $15.00
Go Halleli!
Esther Nahon US $18.00
Kol HaKavod Halleli! Good luck ❤️
Dana Finkelstein US $206
Amazing Halleli! Lets gooo!!!!
H Eisenstadter US $118