All Donors

Barbara And George Hanus US $103
Dear Sara, We are so proud of your efforts.
Haina Just-Michael US $54.00
Kol Hakovod ( we all loved Zaidy Spira)
J&A Hoschander US $180
RBF US $100
Edy And Jacob Kupietzky US $54.00
Kol HaKavod Sara!
Uncle Adam And Aunt Rachel US $36
We are so proud of you Sara Love Uncle Adam and Aunt Rachel
Moshe & Aviva Schwartz US $37.08
Srulie And Miriam Perkal US $50
We miss Uncle Irvin! Love, Srulie and Miriam
Andrew And Barbara Perkal US $180.00
In memory of Irvin Spira. Hatzlacha Rabba, Sara in the Jerusalem Marathon!
Mayrock Family US $180
Like father like daughter ,best of luck let us know after .
Gail And Barry Mahler US $37.08
Kol HaKoved
Tamar And Steven Perkal US $50
In memory of Uncle Irvin, good luck in the marathon!
Avi & Laurie Kestenbaum US $103
Best of luck Sara with your beautiful endeavor for such a special cause!
Soonu Greenfield (Granny) US $250.00
I'm so proud of you, my dear granddaughter, Sara, for running this marathon in memory of your beloved zayde and my amazing machatun, Dr. Irvin Spira! I love you so much!! Your Loving Granny
The Croog Family US $185.4
Yasher Koach, Sara!!! So proud to support you in this amazing endeavor!
Aunt Penina And Uncle Benji US $55.62
We are so proud of you Sara! We remember Zaidy so fondly and truly miss him. We know are you making him so proud!
Aunt Zarin US $103
Way to go Sara ! Love this goal.
Noelle Albanese Levin US $51.5
Yael Jerome US $120
Wishing you strength and speed Sara. Know you will crush it!
Naomi And Jacob Gelfand US $36
Debra And Jonah Sarasohn US $50
Yael And Cory Baker & Family US $96
So proud of you - Go, Sara, Go!
The Minkove Family US $92.7
So proud of you, Sara! What a beautiful way to honor your Zaydie’s memory
Sharmilla Klestzick US $50
Michelle Zellner US $82.4
Yael Jerome US $51.5
Haley Toledano US $101
Shirah And Jonathan Jacobs US $36
Anonymous Sponsor US $144.2
Blechners US $26
Go sara!!
Sima Friedman US $72
Randi Shane & Shmueli Kerstein US $37.08
Kol Hakavod Sara!
Marcie Gandell US $18
Vera Harris US $74.16
Thank you for this lovely mitzvah!
Miriam Parness US $20
Yasher koach!
Tally Palefski US $45.32
Laurie Tare US $37.08
Tamar Buchweitz US $55.62
Kol Hakavofd Sara!
Debra Sarasohn US $18
Dean Lasko US $10
I'm so proud of you, Sara!
The Cohens US $55.62
Kol hakavod!
The Hakimi Family US $96
Atara MIller US $180
Anya Rackman Wiebke US $37.08
The Soniker Family US $74.16
Kol Hakavod!