All Donors

Shaya Halpern £18
Max And Leah Cohen US $180
Good luck Lili for this amazing
Batsheva £15.45
Proud of you 💙
Anonymous Sponsor US $10.3
Good luck !
Elaine And Jurgen £18.00
Good luck
Yitz & Gila £18
In honor of Lili Halpern!!!
Gidon & Dena £30
Proud of you Lili
Eliezer & Sara Issler £18.00
Best of luck.
Anonymous Sponsor £37.08
Sigalle And David £50
Good luck Lili
Shmuel And Esti £18
So proud of you Lili
Yossi Halpern £18.54
Go smash it !!!
Riki Halpern £18
Best of Luck well done Lils lots of love xxx
Chagai Kahn £20
Rebecca & Paul £36
Good luck Lili
Avrumi & Esti Halpern £100
Go for it LILI!!!
Craft Caterers £50
Jacob Halpern US $60
Benjy Lachs £50
Gav Cohen £18