All Donors

Avi G £10.00
The Millers £36
Well done Kelo we're very proud of you x
Joelle & Sammy Pine £18
Well done and good luck Keli! All our love x
Riki Halpern £18
Well Done Keli!! Your amazing best of luck!! Lots of love xx
The Melul Family £18.54
We are so proud of you Kels xx
Babbi & Zaidy US $100
Keli, you keep amazing us with all your achievements! Keep making us proud! We love you! Love Babbi and Zaidy
Mr J Pine £36
Mr E Pine £300
Anonymous Sponsor £36
Go Kels ❤️
Tova Chaim Charity Foundation £18
Family Berkeley £100
Maayan Atkins £18
Good luck Keli
Danny Lopian £100
The Blackmans US $36
So proud of you Keli! ❤️
Zeide Shim £100
Good luck Kelli. I'm sure you'll come in first.
Anonymous Sponsor £10.3
You'll smash it x
Pearl Fielding £25.75
Lots of love
Joshua Rowe £200
Every success - Joshua & Michelle Rowe
Melinda And Molly £25
Good luck Keli xxx
Ann Taylor £25
Good luck Keli
Srulie Bengio £18
Buchy Glick £10
Good luck
Yoni Finlay £10
Good luck
Mike Lokietek US $25
Joel Buchsbaum £15
Good Luck
Neville Gouldman £36
Good luck
Josh Pine £100
Dov & Debbie Black £100
Yaacov Jaffe £18